So you love to travel but don't exactly have the big bucks to splurge on what you might think are necessities. This article hopes to give you some helpful tips and pointers to reduce your expenses but not your fun. First things first, PLAN AHEAD. Someone once said "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." That is so true when it comes to traveling. Just by planning ahead and working out your traveling period ahead of time you can save a lot of money. Below are 10 tips to help you in your cost reduction process:-
1. If possible plan your travel at least 2 - 3 months in advance. You will usually be able to get better rates for airfare and accommodation if you book them early.
2. Don't pack in your whole house. Seriously, some of the stuff you think you might need, you don't really need at all. Leave the picture of your dog at home! Travel light. Not only will you save on having to pay for excess baggage, it will be easier for you to move around. You will most likely be buying some souvenirs. You need space for that.
3. Opt for a bed and breakfast or a backpackers' inn instead of a hotel. Some of these places are quite decent, really. Be sure to check them out at travel review sites such as
4. If breakfast is included with your stay, eat in and eat heartily. There's no reason to go out and pay for a meal unless there's a local delicacy you're dying to try out. Most of the time, especially in Asia, the local delicacies are the street vendors. Leave the fancy expensive restaurants alone.
5. When eating out, order water instead of a juice or soft drink. Besides it being healthier, you save money too.
6. It would be helpful to stock up on some ready to eat food such as energy bars, instant noodles, bread, etc. from the nearest grocery store or supermarket instead of popping into a restaurant every time the hunger pang strikes. Pack a sandwich when going for day trips.
7. When shopping, go where the locals go. Learn the art of haggling. You'd be surprised how much you can save. Often times, prices are marked up just for tourists. If possible, have a local friend with you to assist with the haggling.
8. As much as possible, travel by public transport, avoid taking cabs or taxis as they cost a lot more. Most cities would have tourist information centres where you would be able to obtain information about these services. Walking is good too, that way you really get to experience the place.
9. When sight-seeing, try to go to places where you don't have to pay. Ask the operator of your hotel or inn for advice on these places. If you need to go for a paid tour or sight-seeing attraction, it will be helpful for you to make friends with other tourists and form a group. Some establishments do offer group discounts.
10. Last but not least, you can say "NO". Don't always feel you have to buy something or take up a tour offer if you do not wish to. That is your right as a tourist!
Adrian Moen is a photography and travel enthusiast and runs a blog called cutiDeals which provides information on the latest travel deals available in the Malaysian market. To receive a free ebook and the latest travel deals via email, click here:
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